Aliens vs Zombies - a 2D Python Platformer

Aliens vs Zombies - a 2D Python Platformer

2016, Dec 12    

Made for my level 3 computing class, my zombie based game is a two-dimensional platformer, horribly optimised and with resources ripped straight from CS:GO and random internet sites. That being said, it’s quite fun, and can be a challenge. Featuring randomly generated levels, increasing difficulty, a high score system and more, managing resources to keep away the horde is a great way to kill 10 minutes.

My teacher initially wanted a calculator. Figuring it was way too easy a challenge and somewhat uninteresting, I decided to make a game instead. I bounced around ideas with my friends for days, going through ideas such as Mike Sivali: Zombie Hunter (In which the deputy rector of our school hunted zombies), Mike Sivali: Zombie Fighter and later Mike Sivali - Zombie, and later decided that it may be slightly unethical to use one of our school teachers as a protagonist for a game.

I’ll skip out the boring bits, and just link the build log that I was required to keep throughout the development of the project: Dev Log

The code is available on github here. Go nuts.